Last night i met up with some English and Australian pals from the Contiki trip - it was good to see what they have been up to since i last saw them - we went out to a fancy restaurant and had very tall gormet burgers (you couldn't just grab them with two hands and knock them back) and then we went to a pub and got a coffee. I also asked out this English Med student who i have talked to a bit for a coffee - she said she was busy....bummer. Today i have no class - yeh! But i really should get well stuck into doing some readings for my classes, i had a Ethics lecture and proctorial on Monday and i was very ill prepared for it, and it showed - so i'll have to get my act together for the tutorial that i have for it on Friday. I also need to do my laundry, which i have been putting off for the last couple of days. On a happier note i am playing five a side soccer today with my international team made up of Americans, Cameroonians, Australians and Brittains - should be a
blast. I haven't played in two years so i am actually really excited! Oh and talking of excitement, Vanilla Ice is playing a show here in Leeds tonight - could be fun.

We are currently organising a trip to Ireland on one of these weekends and the list of people coming just keeps growing, partly my fault for just inviting more and more people - but it will be super sweet if it all goes through.
The goat pic is our team mascot - we are called the Space Goats!!! (Jay and the Doctor anyone?)
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