The couple were 17 and 18 years old – the girl was only a year and two months older than Dru – scary! The bloke wants to be a violin maker, which was pretty well exactly what I wanted him to do when I was talking to him – something interesting but not anything I would want to do. The French guy who was sitting outside turned out to be Croatian or something that didn’t speak any English, French or German. We were joined later by a fun German guy called Andreas who to me seemed like a cross between David Whenem (Diver Dan from Seachange), Ian Rowbottom (Dads best man) and Sebastian (Fun adventurous German guy from IH, slightly dorky but in a cool way). He was a marine biologist and was going to Kiel so I hung out with him when we go
t to Hamburg for an hour as we were 5 mins late to catch the train straight t Kiel. We had a coffee as neither of jus got much sleep on the train. There were beds to sleep in – but we all paid second class prices so only got seats. It was fun talking to Andreas as he was very scientifically smart and he talked about the work he was doing on cold water coral but then he would drop in something that would seem odd like ‘but the best thing about having a passenger on a manned submersible is that when you are going down you get to listen to CD’s – yeah chill out to Pink Floyd’. At Kiel we said our farewells and he gave me his card. Thankfully Maggy was at the train station and had found out that the train from Paris was late. It was really great to see her again and we chatted away like no time had passed. After a cooked breakfast we walked down to the Kiel harbour (I found out hat Keels on boats were not named after Kiel) and sat in a beach basket which is a cool chair with shade valance, foot rest and table, and talked and ate ice creams and drank fizzy drink for about two hours. We then saw some seals being fed at strangely enough the institute where Andreas works before walking back to Maggy and Marks unit.Later Mark cam home from work and I finally got to meet him after hearing so much about him from Maggy – he seems pretty cool and suggested hiring a car to go on the autobahns in - which rates pretty highly in my books. Maggy made us a lovely dinner of steak and potato and a sauce and salad and then we went to the pub for a drink. I already feel comfortable here which is nice and so far I have failed to feel that in many places – but it has made me appreciate the extreme comfortableness that I unknowingly feel when ever I go home to the farm – knowing where everything is and where I can go and what I can do.Maggys got a job interview on Thursday which she s a bit nervous about so I might chill back here in the unit for a bit – which is fine with me. I’ve had two cups of coffee today and a fair bit of tea which is probably why I have been feeling lively enough today which I am surprised at considering the two or so hours of sleep that I got.

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