Hi there!
Welcome to my travel blog, the intention of this blog is to show what sort of stuff i have been able to get up to as a result of taking part in the exchange program with Newcastle University and Leeds University. One thing that i have come to understand about myself when i am travelling is that i often am underprepared and do not have either the time or resourses at my disposal to get things done in the most effective way, examples of this include not finding a place to stay in Paris until 10:00 of the night of my arrival, or not actually having my papers in order for when i originally entered the UK and having to wait and be questioned for three hours before finally being let into the country. But where i was going with this was that I had planned on writing a travel blog all along, but only now after almost three months out of the country have i finally gotten around to it. But don't fret that i might have forgotten some of the more poignient instances of my travels, because i kept a journal with me when i was trekking through Europe and the following entries will be straight from that.
After i finished my exams in semester one in June i went home for a few weeks to work on the farm to get myself a little bit more travel money then headed over to the UK on July 5th - over two months before University started in Leeds, giving me ample time to travel. I couldn't do this with a student travel visa though because i would be in the country more than one month before i started to study (what a dumb rule) so i mixed it up a little, and hoped that my British passport would come through - which thankfully it has.
I started off by visiting some of my distant relatives in London and then Suffolk, before going on a Contiki trip and then visiting some of my friends in Germany and France that i had made the year before living at International House. Here's a photo of me chilling with one of my new English mates.
Welcome to my travel blog, the intention of this blog is to show what sort of stuff i have been able to get up to as a result of taking part in the exchange program with Newcastle University and Leeds University. One thing that i have come to understand about myself when i am travelling is that i often am underprepared and do not have either the time or resourses at my disposal to get things done in the most effective way, examples of this include not finding a place to stay in Paris until 10:00 of the night of my arrival, or not actually having my papers in order for when i originally entered the UK and having to wait and be questioned for three hours before finally being let into the country. But where i was going with this was that I had planned on writing a travel blog all along, but only now after almost three months out of the country have i finally gotten around to it. But don't fret that i might have forgotten some of the more poignient instances of my travels, because i kept a journal with me when i was trekking through Europe and the following entries will be straight from that.
After i finished my exams in semester one in June i went home for a few weeks to work on the farm to get myself a little bit more travel money then headed over to the UK on July 5th - over two months before University started in Leeds, giving me ample time to travel. I couldn't do this with a student travel visa though because i would be in the country more than one month before i started to study (what a dumb rule) so i mixed it up a little, and hoped that my British passport would come through - which thankfully it has.
I started off by visiting some of my distant relatives in London and then Suffolk, before going on a Contiki trip and then visiting some of my friends in Germany and France that i had made the year before living at International House. Here's a photo of me chilling with one of my new English mates.

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