Monday 1 October 2007

I just recieved an email saying that i would not be the next anchor for the leeds student television station LS:TV...bummer. My American mate Ben and i turned up to the group auditions for a laugh and really had a good time. We were separated into male and female pairs and had to sell a random product to viewers. My English partner Shezza (very occa name) had a can of pink hair spray to sell, and we did so - as the ultimate security device 'Just pop the cap off this bad boy and spray your attacker in the eye to blink him, then as he can't see, turn the can around and crack him over the back of the head with it - it's so easy!' I think the footage might actually be shown on the website later on this month. It is no biggy that i missed out as we had a blast, and i've got so much other stuff going on at the moment; American football practise; Intermural 5 a side football (soccer); writing for the Leeds Student (awesome weekly uni paper); finding time to hang out with friends; planning european trips; and i guess Uni work too...
Today my big plans are to sort out exactly when my tutorials, proctorials (crazy teacherless tutorials - could be interesting) and lectures are, sign up for the sports centre and get some course outlines.

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