Sunday 6 January 2008

Highlands and Hogmany

Early in the morning we rose, and very much enjoyed our complimentary breakfast (a couple of notches up from the usual cereal and toast of youth hostels) before racing to find George square where we would meet our tour operator who would take us all around the Scottish higlands. After a few moments of panic caused by the changes to the square because of that nights new years celebrations we found him and claimed the back seats of the 30 seater bus. Our tour guide 'Billy' spoke with a fantastic Scottish accent and made sure that we answered with an 'Eye' not a 'yes'. In that day we covered over 600kms and saw some fantastic scenery as well as having a cruise on the eery Loch Ness. I didn't see any monsters, but i wouldn't deny that one could live there. It is over 23 miles long and up to 300 metres deep in places! Througout the trip Billy told us stories about the old Scots and the country side, dropping in lots of fun Scottish sayings. My favourite was 'When i get back i'm going to have a cheeky wee drop of malt whisky, not your mamby pamby blended stuff'. When we did arrive back it was dark so we had a quick bit to eat and headed out to see the Hogmany (what the Scots call New years)celebrations.
We didn't have tickets to enter the square and see the celebrations, but thanks to some very helpful random Scots (who we could barely understand) we secured some and went inside with the other 17000 Glaswiegens. The band 'the view' played and then we counted down to 12:00 where Old lantine was played and everyone sung, and then Loch Lomond, which we had learnt the words to on our tour
"you take the high road,
and i'll take the low road
and i'll be in Scotland before you"
After this we shook hands with and kissed the people we were standing next too, and fought our way through the crowds back to our motel

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