Sunday 30 September 2007


I slept fantastically until Maggy woke me up this morning and I jumped almost to a sitting up position and I yelled out and scared Maggy. She very quietly whispered my name from across the room. I wonder why it shocked me so much when I’m used to being woken up by loud noises? Perhaps that’s just it. Maggy and I took a train to Lubbock, a similar town to Kiel and had lunch and coffee and came back here, had a nice dinner – some Bavarian meat (like hotdog meat cut into steak shapes) and nice potatoes and bacon and then we watched some ‘Friends’. Maggy was getting pretty stressed about the job interview that she has tomorrow and it is pretty important for her but I can’t associate with the stress. It’s nice to be able to help her with English words though and how to phrase things – makes me feel knowledgeable. My big plan for tomorrow is to try and get my phone fixed or sorted out – I’ll go when Maggy is in her job interview – its good to have a purpose. Then with a fixed phone I can contact Keisha and possible meet up with her when I go back to France.

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